The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of hope to Immigrants
Just as Americans from 1870-1900 resisted the new immigrants, Americans today fear immigrants because of terrorism, giving away jobs to the immigrants, and "ruining" American culture. Nativists used to worry new immigrants would ruin America but in fact there is a high chance immigrants, both present and past, possess the ability to improve America. Obviously birds of passage, the insane, criminals, and radical Islamics will hurt America, but by allowing favorable immigrants into America, all will benefit.
All Americans, excluding the Native Americans, can trace their ancestors back to being immigrants. Even though Nativists' ancestors were immigrants, they desperately wanted to protect the American culture they created. Early Americans fought off the British and started America, and the idea of their culture changing terrified them because it appeared the culture was being destroyed. Nativists were unable to understand that a cultural change is not always bad and went to the extremes of creating laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act to prevent certain immigrants from coming to America. When immigrants join the America culture, they acculturate and improve the culture. The real American culture is dynamic therefore it is impossible to protect from others. Early American immigrants brought ideals of democracy and capitalism that make this country great, and other people have the ability to further improve America. Just as the old immigrants came for the opportunity in America so did the new immigrants. When immigrants come to the United States it is because it is a desirable nation with many pull factors such as jobs, freedom, and a higher quality of life. Immigration is a positive sign because it means a country is doing well. After all, an immigrant would not desire to go to America during the Great Depression.
Although immigrants usually go to America when it is doing well, it is still hard for them. Many times they were taken advantage of for cheap labor. Just as the Chinese used to be used for cheap labor, so are illegal immigrants from Mexico today. While illegal immigrants do take jobs, they are taking jobs that require no education. Few Americans want these low paying jobs and to say these immigrants are stealing is ridiculous because they are the only people willing to work for such a small amount of money. Legal immigrants are the ones taking desirable jobs, and they receive these jobs because they have an education and are qualified for them. Educated immigrants help America. Never has someone accused Albert Einstein of stealing Americans' jobs. People like him are instead credited for greatly helping America, and are sometimes even forgotten to be immigrants.
Unfortunately, some immigrants arrive to America with a negative connotation because of their ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs. Americans used to fear French revolutionists and communists, but now Americans have turned the fear toward radical Muslims. Currently a terrorist group known as Isis grips Americans, as well as the entire world in terror. Even fellow Muslims fear Isis and seek refuge from them. Although allowing Muslims into the United States endangers it's citizens, these Muslim immigrants have the ability to help the United States. Terrorist have animosity toward Americans because of how we live, but if Muslim immigrants were to acculturate with the United States, some of that hate might disappear with time. While a plan such as this is risky, it has a chance of success that would relieve so many from the threat of Terrorism.
Immigration can and has improved America because immigrants took advantage of this land of opportunity. With time immigrants will change American culture for the better, and hopefully become successful themselves. Immigrants created this great country and they have the ability to further improve it.
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